6월 24일 (토)
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2023년 6월 24일 오전 11:00 GMT+1
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이벤트 소개
재영박협 2022-23 학술세미나 인문과학분과
인공 지능 (AI) 지능에 관한 사회적 담론을 지속하는 노력의 일환으로, 이번 세미나는 언어 학습 및 교육과 관련한 AI의 역할을 논의하는 자리를 준비하였습니다. 대화형 인공지능 (Conversational AI) 기술을 중점적으로 연구하는 Waseda University & Equmenopolis 연구팀에서 흥미로운 이야기를 준비하였으니, 관심 있는 회원님의 많은 참석 부탁드립니다 :)
주제: Pedagogical potential of multimodal conversational AI for foreign language learning and assessment
Shungo Suzuki
Dr. Shungo Suzuki works as an Assistant Research Professor at Waseda University, Japan. He also currently serves as a Principal Investigator of the project centered around the development of an AI-based interactive speaking test. Dr. Suzuki completed his PhD in Linguistics at Lancaster University, UK, under the supervision of Professor Judit Kormos. His research interests include cognitive aspects of second language speech production, developmental patterns of speaking proficiency and the assessment of speaking performance. He has published many research articles on these topics in international journals.
Mao Saeki
Mao Saeki is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Waseda University. He is also a research scientist at Equmenopolis Inc. and the lead developer of the InteLLA virtual agent. His interest lies in multimodal conversational AI, especially the understanding and generation of non-verbal cues, and so far has worked on turn-taking, confusion detection and gesture generation.
Ryuki Matsuura
Ryuki Matsuura is a second-year master’s student in the Fundamental Science and Engineering department at Waseda University. He currently studies an automated scoring for L2 oral fluency in dialogue tasks and diagnostic system for lexical use in L2 speech.